

Lessons or courses

The lessons or courses allow you to define the periods of a group (of students) or grade assigned to a teacher.
for a specific subject. The management of the lessons or courses can take place by group (or grade) or by teacher.

To access the management lessons (or courses) panel, select My Home (in the navigation menu in the upper part of the page) and then lessons or courses (in the left sidebar menu).

List of lessons (or courses) of a group (or grade)

Selecting management lessons (or courses) by group (or grade), it will be displayed a list of lessons (or courses) including:
  • firstname and lastname of the teacher
  • subject (if one is inserted)
  • number of periods of that teacher in that group (or grade) and with that subject and, eventually, with a co-teacher
  • firstname and lastname of the eventual co-teacher
  • number of lessons (or courses) with duration greater than one period.

List of lessons (or courses) of a teacher

The list is similar to the previous (per group or grade), does not specify the number of lessons of duration greater than one periods. The main difference is that this list may contain lessons or courses a co-teacher.

Set lessons ior courses

In the set lessons page, you can choose:
  • the teacher (or group)
  • the subject (optional)
  • Number of lessons of one period, two periods or three periods.
  • You can indicate the possible presence of a co-teacher


There is a list of subjects of your school, if the subject is not in the list, you can add it in the box below.

number of weekly periods

Enter the total number of teaching periods per week of teacher indicated in the group (or grade) indicated and with the subject selected (or without subject).

Lessons or courses

In the column lessons you can enter the number of lessons with a duration of one, two or three periods.
For example entering 3 (lessons) in the row 3 periods lessons, the corresponding blue cell Total periods, automatically updated, it will show the value 9 (periods).


Use durations greater than one, only if really needed.
Selecting one period duration, does not exclude that in the timetable there will be two or more periods lessons, however this is done randomly.
Instead, imposing fixed durations of two or three periods, involves constraints in the timetable to be added to the others, reducing the quality of the overall result.

Timetable genaration

The timetable generation is the allocation of lessons or courses in the time-slots, can take place only after the definition of the lessons or courses.

Duration of lessons in primary school

In this case, it is always preferable to set the duration of the lessons to one period, because the system is already configured for long durations typical of primary school.

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